"Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!"
"...And grace will lead me home."
Familiar to many, this anthem song has been covered by numerous artists, including Elvis and Aretha Franklin. However, it was written by John Newton, an
eighteenth-century slave-ship captain with a troubled past. Despite his guilt from trading human lives, Newton penned this song as a celebration of God’s grace—an unmerited gift that transformed Newton's life. This is not just a song; it’s an anthem of profound change and the power of forgiveness.
We are on a global mission to spread the Anthem. Your journey can inspire others and
highlight the incredible power of transformation and forgiveness through testimonies.
Share your anthem of God’s grace in your life! Embrace your anthem; it’s a powerful
melody in the symphony of grace!
“...by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;”
Revelation 12:11
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Once finished, press the stop button and save the video to your phone's gallery.
Go to your photo library. Click the video. Follow sharing prompts. Upload it below.
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Anthem of God's amazing grace.